Having kicked-off in 2022, our collection of topics and location is growing

(Un)Healthy GM?!  Mental wellbeing in Global Mobility

Date: November 17, 2022

Time: 09.00-16.00

Location: AllianzArena München, Werner-Heisenberg-Allee 25, 80939 Munich, Germany

Please reach out for more details and to express your interest.


2 + 15 =

Mental wellbeing is one of the most important issues in today’s work life. In fact, work stress is regularly rated as the most common type of stress experienced by people, way ahead of e.g., monetary stress or relationship stress.  Consequently, if employees are experiencing too high levels of stress over a too long period of time, their mental wellbeing is in danger. This is particularly relevant in Global Mobility, where an international assignment alone comes along with a great deal of challenges and potential problems.

Therefore, it is time for organizations to better account for this essential part of their Duty of Care, starting to offer more support and actively manage their approach to ensure the mental wellbeing of the international workforce. However, the great news is that this does not only benefit the individual employees! In a study among Global Mobility managers, we found that organizations with a sound Duty of Care program accounting for mental wellbeing experience increased health among the workforce, a lower turnover, higher commitment, and fewer failed assignments.

This MasteringGM workshop will provide a deep dive into creating and managing a solid Duty of Care to make Global Mobility healthier – quite literally. We will introduce best practices and case studies to show what is possible, before participants identify challenges in their organizations and develop solutions to overcome them. Informed by latest research and expert input, you will learn to turn these insights into action in your organization. The workshop is highly interactive and you will produce a tangible output to take home into your organization!



Lean GM: Global Mobility processes in focus

Date: January 19, 2023

Time: 09.00-16.00

Location: Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club, Dam 27, 1012 JS Amsterdam, Netherlands (TBC)

Please reach out for more details and to express your interest.


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Jack Welch, former Chairman and CEO of General Electric and once said that an organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage. The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly posed a great number of challenges and threats for the Global Mobility industry and when, if not now, is the time to take a step back and reflect upon what can be learned and translated into action? Having experienced numerous stress-tests in the recent years, we believe that Global Mobility can learn a lot from implementing ideas of Lean into its processes. 

Although Lean may imply the core idea of reducing costs, this alone would be oversimplifying the concept. In fact, Lean means needing less (human) effort to design products and services, requires lower investment, uses less material in general, creates products and services with fewer defects, and also causes fewer employee injuries. While this normally results in lower cost, it also brings higher customer satisfaction and other benefits.

This MasteringGM workshop will show you how to transfer the concept of Lean to Global Mobility and its processes. Using a typical international assignment as an example, we set out mapping the sub-processes and phases of the assignment using a process roadmap. Based on this standard tool, we then move forward helping you how you can adapt this into your own organization, showing you what it takes to scrutinize, evaluate, and improve your very own Global Mobility processes. The MasteringGM workshop is co-delivered by a Lean expert with a rich background and yearlong experience in shaping organizational processes, all aimed at improving your business. The workshop is highly interactive and you will produce a tangible output to take home into your organization!

Working from anywhere: road to Global Mobility 4.0?

Date: already over

If you are interested in this topic coming back, please reach out to us and let us know! 

International remote work (IRW) is not an invention of COVID-19, although the pandemic certainly has given it a tremendous boost. Latest research found that about two thirds of employees see a positive impact of IRW on their corporate culture. However, the scope of IRW is mainly limited to a fairly small number of highly-skilled, educated employees in a few industries and occupations. And not everyone sees working remotely beneficial, like Elon Musk who states that Tesla “has and will create and actually manufacture the most exciting and meaningful products of any company on Earth. This will not happen by phoning it in.”

So how can hesitations against IRW be overcome and what is necessary to fully unfold its potential? Global Mobility (GM) and Talent Management can become spearheads in a movement that strengthens the competitive position of their firm. In fact, GM and Talent can drive an agenda that effectively utilizes digitalization and remote work to unleash innovation, improve the Employer Value Proposition, and to create better global leaders. Eventually, being a more attractive employer is essential in winning the War for Talent.

This Mastering GM workshop will help participants to identify key approaches, substantial challenges, and the way forward to prepare their organization’s Global Mobility and Talent functions in managing IRW within their organization and across industry. Informed by latest research and corporate best practices, you will learn how to shape your organization’s approach to IRW. The workshop is highly interactive and you will produce tangible outputs to take home into your organization!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Global Mobility

Date: already over

If you are interested in this topic coming back, please reach out to us and let us know! 

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Becoming a diversity, equality and inclusion (DE&I) leader is not just an ethical requirement, it is key to organizational success. Successful diversity approaches lead to a higher variety of different perspectives, increased creativity, and better decisions. Great DE&I results in higher employee engagement, motivation and retention. Crucially, the employee value proposition becomes more attractive and DE&I leaders experience increased profits. In other words, beyond “doing good” DE&I can get you a competitive advantage.

Highly successful companies have moved beyond a mere lip-service to fully endorse DE&I throughout the organization. Global Mobility (GM) and Talent Management can become spearheads in an ethical movement that strengthens the competitive position of their firm. Using the changes induced by the COVID pandemic, GM and Talent can drive an agenda that effectively utilizes diversity and enhances inclusion in order to unleash innovation and to create better global leaders. Of course, this is often easier said than done!

This MasteringGM workshop will help participants to identify key approaches, substantial challenges and the way forward to prepare their organization’s Global Mobility and Talent functions to be DE&I leaders within their organization and across industry. Informed by latest research and corporate best practices, you will learn how to shape your organization’s approach to DE&I. The workshop is highly interactive and you will produce a tangible output to take home into your organization!